Career Services Center

Why should I use the Career Services Center?
Very few students know exactly what they want to do and how they will go about getting it. Most people could use a little help when discovering careers and seeking work.
The Career Services Center supports students and alumni as they explore and develop their career goals, helping them transition from an academic setting to the world of employment. In addition to career and major exploration, we assist students in developing their resumes and cover letters, perfecting interview skills, coaching in networking and informational interviews, and connections to employers.
Whom does the Career Services Center serve?
We serve all admitted students (undergraduate and graduate) and alumni—all majors and all classifications.
How do students/alumni connect with Career Services?
Students and alumni can connect with the Career Services Center using our online manager system, Handshake. Handshake is the online posting hub for all part-time, full-time, and internship opportunities. If you experience technical difficulties with Handshake, please email us at or call us at (601) 979-2477.
What services do you offer?
We offer career counseling, Career Expo events, Graduate and Professional Schools Day, Teacher Recruitment Day, Panel Discussions, Professional Development seminars, and On-Campus Recruitment throughout the academic year. Our database, Handshake, provides access to employers, permanent employment, and internships.
What are your office hours?
Office hours are Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Where are you located?
We are located on the main campus in the Jacob L. Reddix Building, Suite 110 (across from the university post office).
Do students have to schedule an appointment to utilize the Career Services Center?
Students must make an appointment for mock interviews and discuss career assessment results. We also encourage you to make an appointment for resume and cover letter critiques.
What is an internship?
Internships are courses that integrate classroom study with relevant hands-on experience by allowing students to use their education and training in an actual “real world” work environment to gain industry experience. Most internships obtained through the Career Services Center through On-Campus interviews are paid.
How do students/alumni learn about internships, job opportunities, and major events?
Students can find internships, jobs, fellowships, workshops, employer information sessions, on-campus interviews, and career expos in Handshake. Students and alumni should create their “Profile” in their Handshake account. All students and alumni receive Handshake updates automatically.
When should students start looking for an internship?
Students should start exploring internships during their sophomore year. While January and February are the traditional internship application months, some competitive internships may have deadlines in the fall or spring.
Are there opportunities for students to speak directly with employers?
We invite employers to participate in workshops, panel discussions, networking events, information sessions, and fairs throughout the year.
Do you assist students who are applying to graduate and professional schools?
Our professional staff are experienced in advising students about the application process. We also encourage students to speak with faculty about their career interests and further education. Students may meet with a career adviser to help plan their strategy for researching, evaluating, and choosing among programs of study.
How do I make an appointment?
To make an appointment, please call (601) 979-2477, email the center at, or make one in person. Walk-ins are welcome.
How do I RSVP for Career Services Center Events/Workshops/Information Sessions?
Log in to your Handshake account. On the Events Calendar, click your event and click on the “Register for Event” button. Registration is not required if a “Register for Event” button does not appear next to the event.
How do I cancel an interview with an employer?
You are required to give the Career Services Center notice of cancellation at least 48 business hours before the interview. Any student who fails to provide at least 48 business hours’ notice and/or does not attend the interview at the appointed time will be suspended from the On-Campus Recruiting program.
How do I get information from a missed event/workshop?
If we have handouts, you can pick them up at the Career Services Center. If we have electronic documents, you can email us at or call us at (601) 979-2477, and we will email you the information.
By activating and/or registering with Handshake will this guarantee employment opportunities?
No. Employment is not guaranteed. However, by utilizing our resources, you will have greater exposure to employers and greater access to employer information.
Jacob L. Reddix Building, Suite 110
1400 John R. Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217-0280