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Health Services Center

JSU Websites > Health Center | Jackson State University > Coronavirus Update for Students and Staff

New cases of the novel coronavirus continue to surface around the nation and in the state. The first case was reported for a Mississippi resident this past week and others closer to home have followed, the most recent cases reportedly related to travel.  These new cases demonstrate how the swift intermingling of people by modern rapid means of travel accelerates the spread of this virus.  Therefore, essentially all persons are at risk, even in geographical areas where there have been no reported cases.

Therefore, It is advised that ALL students and employees self-monitor for flu-like symptoms, i.e. fever, cough, muscle aches and weakness. Also, persons with symptoms of any respiratory illness should avoid class or work and seek medical advice until all signs of illness have passed or cleared by a health professional.

Although a test is available for detection of the novel coronavirus, the availability of these tests is currently limited as agencies scramble to make more test kits available. 

While a significant number of young people without prior medical problems have needed intense treatment after becoming infected, persons of advanced age and those living  in our communities with underlying medical conditions continue to make up the  majority who have required hospitalization and critical care. Therefore, special care should be taken by all to prevent the transmission of this novel virus to vulnerable populations (including parents and chronically ill members of your family).

To reduce the chance of contracting the virus, all persons should continue to monitor their surroundings and observe good preventive health practices, i.e. limiting unnecessary travel and contact with persons exhibiting signs of illness; keeping surfaces disinfected and decontaminating hands and fingers by washing them frequently using proper technique (  and  by using sanitizer when soap and water are not available. Also, avoiding large crowds will reduce one’s chance of contact with persons who may be unaware that they are infected.

If you become ill, covering your cough with a tissue and throwing it into the trash or wearing a mask will also reduce the chance of spreading this newly discovered virus to others.

For more information, visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s website at and the Mississippi State Department of Health website at

For health questions or to report signs of illness, call the Health Center at 601 979 2260. For secure communications between patients and our health care providers, students and staff can also log on to the patient portal in the Health Center’s electronic medical records system. If you have not already done so, you can register for the portal at

We’d love to assist you.

Tiger Pride

Health Center

Health Services Center


1400 John R. Lynch St.
PO Box 17097
Jackson, MS 39217

Phone: 601-979-2260
Fax: 601-979-9228

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